About Us

Oh Hey There!

I’m Mia Carr, Founder of KTTVTT Organic. My mission from the very first days of KTTVTT has been to create minimal, modern baby products that your babies would adore. Our growth has been unusually rapid. I honestly feel overwhelmed many days standing back seeing what has sprung from that very first handmade lounger I had sewn at our kitchen table. So let’s go back and explain where we’ve been. Because this journey is special and you’re an important part of it.

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas.

We began in a small town in Minnesota. I was a stay-at-home mom of a toddler and twin newborns. I’m not going to lie, that was a blur. My husband was working 6 days a week and I was always alone. I remember telling my mother-in-law that I needed help. What did I need? I simply needed someone to come in and HOLD a baby for me. Nothing else. Just hold them. I needed to relieve my guilt and give myself support. I needed a few moments to take a shower, make dinner, or even better, EAT dinner. The idea of a baby lounger that could be moved around the house and imitated the feeling of arms came to mind. I could make that. And so I did.

The First Loungers.

I made 12 little loungers on a borrowed sewing machine one evening. Our little kiddos running around our feet in their jammies. The next day we loaded those loungers up along with a homemade sign and a demo doll and set off to a local craft fair. I remember our very first customer. It was her eyes I remember most, and her sweet little baby. It was then that I fell in love with helping mothers and their families. We sold all 12 of those loungers that day and I would never be the same. How could I be? I had a clear vision and purpose for my life. I could not be stopped.

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