
Just before I moved to India with my 4 (then 3) kids and husband God led me to a beach town in Southern California and began my healing journey. I met with a counselor who was very influenced by spiritual direction and I walked the beach and wrestled with God about my story to this point. He showed many things that were buried beneath my sands, hidden to me. He gave me a picture of Him as the mighty ocean, strong enough to wash apon my shore and drag out all these hidden things in order to purify me, heal me.

That was 10 years ago and the journey he continued of my ongoing healing and being made into the likeness of Christ has gone deeper still. He brought people, opportunities, and seasons into my life that sharpened and called out my unique purpose.

Combining my story and gifts He led me into coaching others, Emotional Healing prayer ministry and eventually Spiritual Direction.

To sit with another and be still before our creator, asking him to show us what he is doing and hearing him speak tender wooing words, is beyond an honor. I get to see peoples pain validated and healed. I get to hear words of a father spoken to his beloved child only He would know speaks to the burning question deep within. To lead someone into a space of surrender, to see tensions with God be transformed into peace and ease, to witness in front of you the slow gentle work of the Holy Spirit in an individual’s life is to me, better than any other show on earth.

(Graduated with a B. A. in Psychology at California State University of Sacramento.  Currently in Leadership Transformations‘ Selah Spiritual Direction program.  Receiving Direction monthly as well as Supervision from a Selah Faculty.