More Gifts of Weakness

And the lesson to me continues…

📷: taken by Taron Watters (after we made up), Chiang Mai Thailand

As I drive my youngest to an unplanned dentist appointment, ( I finally put my bra on for this), day 3 of my truly messy bun up in my scrunchie, feeling like I’m coming down with what he has, those dishes from yesterday are still growing on the counter.

He’s in the backseat cause he’s mad at me for correcting his organization in the fridge (that would’ve led to lime juice leaking all inside the fridge), I pop on a podcast I had started yesterday in the cooking flurry. Christy Knockles interviewing Annie F. Downs.

They begin talking about the glorious in the mundane (title of the podcast) or Annie’s words were “your gonna love May” where God spoke this to her and she began looking for God in the everyday because of that word.

I looked out the window as I drove and noticed these yellow flowers popping on the road. Instantly God spoke in my spirit, “here I am, notice me”. And as I passed it I noticed the whole street was lined with them.

I instantly found tears running my cheeks.

Yesterday I was able to receive the graces and the failures and offer them back to him in thankfulness. Could I do it again today?

My heart quietly asks “can today be the same?” Like somewhere deep in there I know there’s gotta be a card tallying up my days that I offer my weaknesses back to God not just my good deeds (aka filthy rags) and I’ve used up my quota. No more opportunities to offer weakness.

Tree after tree is just bursting with yellow. Actually not really my favorite color but why I love them so much is the “meh” that settles over everything in the smoky winter season here has a way of making everything feel drab. But these flowers bloom in this season They reach right out and grab you when all around dulls the senses.

Today God reached out to me in the mundane, when the day was seemingly going wrong and My hopefulness and acceptance of grace was going with it.

“Just look at me, I’m right here” he spoke to my heart.

Weakness as a gift

📷: Chiang Dao, Thailand

Do you have shame about your limits?

Do you use “should” a lot to yourself?

I was standing in the kitchen feeling very proud of all that I accomplished:
Cleaned out 2 fridges
Roasted a huge bag of jalapeños
Chopped another bag
Cooked garbanzo beans
Roasted tomatoes
Roasted bell pepper and garlic
Made jars of marinara
Downloaded an app that helped me use my leftovers instead of throwing them away for dinner
Cut up a big container of cucumber
Cut up same for carrot
Watered all the new plants I bought yesterday
Finished the grocery shopping I started yesterday

At the same moment I became sober minded that this wasn’t the full story:

I stayed in yesterdays clothes all day today minus a bra
Hair has been up in a scrunchie untouched since yesterday
Spent 7- 12pm on the couch feeling exhausted from long Covid
I let my 10 year old watch tv all day on the couch
I forgot to move a rescheduled meeting off my calendar
I forgot to put a scheduled meeting in my calendar
I missed said meeting
I didn’t do any dishes I dirtied from the above (there still there)
I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch cause I was too tired
Managed to get in 3 arguments with my children

The second batch are all things I would typically label as failure.

But I stould in the kitchen embracing my gratitude for having a productive time in spite of my physical limitations lately while also being kind and understanding to myself for resting, doing nothing for hours, not engaging my kids every hour or being patient with their disobedience.

I’m human. God made me with limitations. He invited me to rest, and he gives me strength to get the basics taken care of. My body and mind are not capable of the same thing everyday. It’s ok to take each moment as it comes and offer it back to god.

Here’s my rest, here’s my weakness, here’s my flesh.

Here’s my triumphs, here’s what little energy I have, here’s my productivity.

What a good day it’s been.

Ideas for deconstructing

  1. Find a group of people to meet in a home that are wanting more from their spiritual community. Talk about your tensions with what you experience now without letting it turn into a bashing session (hard I know, when you are in pain, but a dangerous foundation to lay as a new beginning). Share a meal together, talk about hopes and dreams. If your group has kids talk about what you want for your kids to learn from this time. About themselves, and about God.
  2. With the group above, begin a look into Acts, the beginning of the first church and take note of what they did with “one another”. Talk about in your current experience of church what is cultural and what is biblical. Have some silence and listen for what God might be inviting you as a group of how to spend time together. Pay attention to “shoulds” and only follow the “invitations”.
  3. Take a spiritual gifts assessment and talk together about what you have to give to the body you are with. Everyone should feel freedom to excercise their gifts, male or female if you want this to be a balanced group.
  4. Meet and discuss what you want to begin doing with “one another”
  5. Visit a church of an entirely different ethnicity and notice how they do things differently than your church of origin, good or bad. How does the spirit seem to be leading them?
  6. Read some books (or form a book club to process what your reading) that prods new thinking for you. Below are some ideas: (remember, you may not agree with everything in a book, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some gems in there for you. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater) Searching for Sunday, Letters to the Church, The Irresistable Revolution, Life Together, Soul Repair, Wild in the Hollow and for the truly open minded – Dance of the Dissident Daughter.(* I didn’t resonate with everything in her book, but to read her journey was fascinating and it opened up courage and space in my heart to examine where I had been silenced and what God was inviting me into.)
  7. Instead of going to church, go to a park or somewhere that inspires you and you can focus and not be distracted. Bring the Spiritual Disciplines Handbook with you and take the quiz on pg. ? and discover connecting with God in new ways.
  8. Start a discovery bible study. See what new things open up, and where God leads you together.
  9. Meet with a spiritual director and begin to unpack your experience of God and his activity in your life.
  10. Above all, honor the longing you have to find the true kingdom at hand, and give yourself grace and time to try unconventional methods to get there. As you go looking, pay attention to the fruit you hear from different voices that are out there. Do you hear judgement? Do you hear anger over and over in there content? Probably not wise to allow them to lead you somewhere, cause it may not be fresh water.

Deconstructing Church pt.3

When we made our visit back to our passport country things didn’t turn out the way we were expecting. In many cases friends of ours were leaving our sending church as leadership changed and we became the safe people to process their feelings with. Because we no longer attended from living overseas we were removed enough. We also had friends that were facing decisions like get counseling or divorce. The biggest thing that stuck out to me as we met with people was that many didn’t feel close to God, didn’t know how to hear the spirit on there own, and were burdened under a cloud of discouragement and lies. When I asked just a few questions it didn’t take long to see many people were enslaved to the cultural value of “busy” . And didn’t see that they had a choice in the matter. And were still leaning on the crutch of the structures/programs/pastor of the church for there own spiritual growth. They were still babies drinking spiritual milk.

Needless to say we were counseling alot of people that weren’t finding the community and support they needed in the church. We were pretty discouraged and exausted by the end of that trip.

Have you heard that saying “Leaders cant lead you where they haven’t been?” Well its true. As people in the church going through crisis slipped through the cracks many were getting dissalussioned with the church and more sadly with God. And many that we talk to today that kept crying out to God when there percieved community was falling apart began there journey toward the kingdom as they left the church. Some didn’t make it past there dissapointment with God.

Even though we had experienced and grown a lot that first 2 years we still didn’t have all the tools needed to help lead the “thirsty to water” back in the states. We did know that simplifying our lives, and taking responsibility for own growth with the Lord was what put us on a path to deconstruction and ultimately true community.

But communicating this to our friends was met with fear and self limiting beliefs. Let me tell you the judgmental spirit in the church is alive and well when you can’t make a decision that looks different than the majority without fear that God’s people will judge and label you. Now I know that when I encounter this in people it actually stems from them judging themselves and believing lies about God’s expectations of them. I can have compassion on how hurting they are. But until you get to a place where you can see that, you just become more and more hurt and turned off by God’s people. Where is this abundant life Jesus talks about?


Deconstructing Church pt. 2

When we moved overseas we didn’t have a church “building” to go to. So a handful of us met in our homes for fellowship together. We sometimes worshiped through song but if there wasn’t someone present with musical talent we played YouTube videos. It definitely didn’t feel the same as what I grew up with and at times I struggled to “enter in”. But as a whole, I was really thankful to be among a group of people living among millions of lost, who truly were listening to the words we sang and crying out in prayer and praise through this time. It didn’t always give “all the feels”, which I missed. But I soon discovered God was wanting to strip me of my dependence on my emotions, and being ruled by them.

We learned a way of studying scripture that emphasized the collective learning from the spirit of God together. And we took seriously the warning in James to not “forget what our face looked like” by just hearing the word but not obeying it. We held each other accountable to the ways that we wanted to obey. We didn’t always have grace in this area, we still had so much to deconstruct from our past for this to be loving and life giving. But it was a far cry from showing up and passively listening, shall I say attempting to stay engaged, for a whole hour to someone deliver a rehearsed and packaged talk about the bible or a concept from it. The spirit was teaching us newness from the word and we were desperate to cling to these truths more than ever in this challenging foreign land we were living in.

We didn’t have Sunday school for our kids so spouses traded times watching the kids, which meant that you couldn’t go sit through a much needed time of connection and “adult” time each week, and at times this felt like a big sacrifice for me. Eventually we found ways to incorporate the kids in what we were doing together, seeing the need to diciple them as well. But it meant that we had to be ok with distractions, and wiggling, and moments to teach them. It meant that when some parents didn’t teach their kids and left them to their own shenanigans others would get frustrated at having to parent other kids and constantly being distracted. It created a lot of opportunities to peace make together.

 Sadly, in those earlier days we didn’t have the right tools to do that in a way that God would be glorified in and actually bring more unity. Certaintly none of us learned how to peace make from our time in church back in our passport countries. What we had learned was taking offense, judging, and avoiding.

In fact I can count too many times in the past when friends, even myself at times, just moved to a different social group because we lacked the courage and most of all love in handling our conflicts in a way we felt hopeful about. A handful of those times we brought the pastors into it for help, but didn’t find any answers there. I saw this happen time and time again and even though I didn’t know the way forward I knew we were missing some big things.

Unfortunately we all brought these things with us to our “new” experience of church. We had thought we had completed our deconstruction but in reality we had just begun. And in this scenario God had us right where he wanted, we had no other social group options to turn to, this group was it, so we were forced to examen our hearts and invite the Spirit to show us the way. Or we could avoid it and begin a long slow exit through the gate of bitterness.


Deconstructing Church

I remember the days where I began questioning things at church. Is this really the kingdom? We were young and in community with other leaders in the church and got to see a real inside scoop of each other’s lives. These were the “top” leaders of the church in a decade or so. Or less. But marriages were racked with emotional connecting voids, using sex as manipulation, and looking for attention outside of each other. We didn’t know how to peace make in a biblical way, we gossiped behind each other’s back, assuming the best wasn’t even on our radar. We didn’t know and accept each other. I knew that I needed hope and I wondered if hope would be found in the older generation. I looked for a mentoring relationship and found so many that weren’t willing because they felt they weren’t ready. Or just didn’t have the time. My outlook was bleak into what we would lead the next generation to.

And so my slow fade of disillusionment began with the church and those who led it. Since we were in leadership ourselves I felt like the biggest hypocrite and began asking God to release us to a healthier body of believers, where I could grow into the bigger shoes my heart was longing for. If there was one. To be honest I had my doubts.

It got to the point I couldn’t handle moving through the lobby greeting people with big happy “church smiles” plastered on their faces. How can we all be content with asking the question “how are you doing?” and answering it the same every week? What would happen if we really answered the truth?

Quite depressed actually. Instead of So thankful to be alive.

Just hanging by a thread, my ex is fighting for full custody of our daughter. instead of Blessed, so blessed.

Feeling very alone and not known even in this sea of people. Instead of Loving this community.

My revulsion at this lack of transparency, and lack of safety grew. Until I started a small experiment. When I got that cheery good morning question I would answer honestly the things that came from my depths.

 I am struggling to be here.

At the very least I would get that deer in the head lights look, like I caught them in the middle of putting on a disguise. The smile looked painful as they squeaked out an “ok, good” and kept on walking quickly into the sanctuary.

OK, good? Did they not hear what I just said?

On the best of occasions I got a “Ill pray for you” with a gentle arm touch before they hit up the coffee shop in time to get to worship in 10 minutes.

But I never got actually prayed for. Right then, right there.

My distaste grew so much that I couldn’t keep going to this masked party where everyone seemed to be drinking the punch and not caring that they were unsure of what they were celebrating. Or worse, feeling the discontent I was, but too scared to leave lest they be judged.

I asked my husband if I had his blessing to have “church” at Starbucks after I dropped our kids off at Sunday school. I no longer worked there but he was still on staff. He was wrestling with the same sense of “we thought we had the point right on the map, yup, kingdom of god”, but nothing here felt like the kingdom.  But he couldn’t quite come out with this, after all he got paid to be here. But he saw my angst growing and blessed me to take my bible to the “unchurched” filled starbucks down the street. And for the first Sunday in years I felt like I was getting closer to the kingdom. People were hurting and honest and not faking it. I knew that Jesus would be in a place like this if he were in skin today. After all he was found in all the wrong places. With tax collectors, prostitutes, the ex-demon possessed.

I did this until we had a “church-endorsed” reason to not go to church. We were moving overseas and started an internship to train others. Part of the curriculum included deconstructing church by not attending it and instead pouring through Acts and highlighting what was cultural, what was biblical, etc. I began to see the things that constituted church that weren’t necessarily commanded in scripture. Many things that happened and the way they happened were cultural. This opened up the freedom to recreate what a life-giving “kingdom focused” community meant to me. It was eye opening and I was addicted. This would begin the beginning of my leaving “the church” for the next 12 years. And every time I returned to “the building” after that I squirmed like a cat evading bath time.